Открытые статические члены | |
static | getFilePath () |
static | getTableName () |
static | getMap () |
static | insertIgnoreFromSelect (string $fromSelect) |
static | insertIgnoreFromSql (string $sql) |
![]() | |
static | getEntity () |
static | unsetEntity ($class) |
static | getConnectionName () |
static | getTitle () |
static | getObjectClass () |
static | getObjectClassName () |
static | getCollectionClass () |
static | getCollectionClassName () |
static | getObjectParentClass () |
static | getCollectionParentClass () |
static | getQueryClass () |
static | getEntityClass () |
static | createObject ($setDefaultValues=true) |
static | createCollection () |
static | wakeUpObject ($row) |
static | wakeUpCollection ($rows) |
static | getUfId () |
static | isUts () |
static | isUtm () |
static | setDefaultScope ($query) |
static | postInitialize (Entity $entity) |
static | getByPrimary ($primary, array $parameters=array()) |
static | getById ($id) |
static | getRowById ($id) |
static | getRow (array $parameters) |
static | getList (array $parameters=array()) |
static | getCount ($filter=array(), array $cache=array()) |
static | query () |
static | checkFields (Result $result, $primary, array $data) |
static | add (array $data) |
static | addMulti ($rows, $ignoreEvents=false) |
static | update ($primary, array $data) |
static | delete ($primary) |
static | enableCrypto ($field, $table=null, $mode=true) |
static | cryptoEnabled ($field, $table=null) |
static | setCurrentDeletingObject ($object) |
static | cleanCache () |
static | onBeforeAdd (Event $event) |
static | onAdd (Event $event) |
static | onAfterAdd (Event $event) |
static | onBeforeUpdate (Event $event) |
static | onUpdate (Event $event) |
static | onAfterUpdate (Event $event) |
static | onBeforeDelete (Event $event) |
static | onDelete (Event $event) |
static | onAfterDelete (Event $event) |
Дополнительные унаследованные члены | |
![]() | |
const | EVENT_ON_BEFORE_ADD = "OnBeforeAdd" |
const | EVENT_ON_ADD = "OnAdd" |
const | EVENT_ON_AFTER_ADD = "OnAfterAdd" |
const | EVENT_ON_BEFORE_UPDATE = "OnBeforeUpdate" |
const | EVENT_ON_UPDATE = "OnUpdate" |
const | EVENT_ON_AFTER_UPDATE = "OnAfterUpdate" |
const | EVENT_ON_BEFORE_DELETE = "OnBeforeDelete" |
const | EVENT_ON_DELETE = "OnDelete" |
const | EVENT_ON_AFTER_DELETE = "OnAfterDelete" |
![]() | |
static | getObjectClassByDataClass ($dataClass) |
static | getCollectionClassByDataClass ($dataClass) |
static | replaceFieldName ($data=array()) |
static | validatePrimary ($primary) |
static | checkUfFields ($object, $ufdata, $result) |
static | callOnBeforeAddEvent ($object, $fields, $result) |
static | callOnAddEvent ($object, $fields, $ufdata) |
static | callOnAfterAddEvent ($object, $fields, $id) |
static | callOnBeforeUpdateEvent ($object, $fields, $result) |
static | callOnUpdateEvent ($object, $fields, $ufdata) |
static | callOnAfterUpdateEvent ($object, $fields) |
static | callOnBeforeDeleteEvent ($object, $entity, $result) |
static | callOnDeleteEvent ($object, $entity) |
static | callOnAfterDeleteEvent ($object, $entity) |
![]() | |
static | $entity |
static | $objectClass |
static | $collectionClass |
static | $currentDeletingObjects |
static | $reservedWords |
Class MessageClosureTable
<<< ORMENTITYANNOTATION @method static EO_MessageClosure_Query query() @method static EO_MessageClosure_Result getByPrimary($primary, array $parameters = array()) @method static EO_MessageClosure_Result getById($id) @method static EO_MessageClosure_Result getList(array $parameters = array()) @method static EO_MessageClosure_Entity getEntity() @method static \Bitrix\Mail\Internals\EO_MessageClosure createObject($setDefaultValues = true) @method static \Bitrix\Mail\Internals\EO_MessageClosure_Collection createCollection() @method static \Bitrix\Mail\Internals\EO_MessageClosure wakeUpObject($row) @method static \Bitrix\Mail\Internals\EO_MessageClosure_Collection wakeUpCollection($rows)
См. определение в файле messageclosure.php строка 23
static |
См. определение в файле messageclosure.php строка 26
static |
Returns entity map definition. To get initialized fields
Переопределяет метод предка DataManager.
См. определение в файле messageclosure.php строка 36
static |
Returns DB table name for entity
Переопределяет метод предка DataManager.
См. определение в файле messageclosure.php строка 31
static |
Insert ignore with raw sql
string | $fromSelect | Raw Sql |
См. определение в файле messageclosure.php строка 57
static |
Insert ignore from select
string | $sql | Sql for insert (values(), or select) |
См. определение в файле messageclosure.php строка 69