Bitrix-D7 23.9
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Пространство имен Bitrix\Sale\Location

Пространства имен

namespace  Admin
namespace  Comparator
namespace  DB
namespace  Import
namespace  Migration
namespace  Name
namespace  Normalizer
namespace  Tree
namespace  Util


class  Comparator
class  ComparatorCountry
class  ComparatorDistrict
class  ComparatorLocality
class  ComparatorRegion
class  Connector
class  DefaultSiteTable
class  Exception
class  ExternalServiceTable
class  ExternalTable
class  GeoIp
class  GroupLocationTable
class  GroupTable
class  LocationTable
class  SiteLocationTable
class  Tree
class  TypeTable

Подробное описание

Nested sets table tree implementation

Tree struct and data fields are kept in a single table

This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. It can be changed at any time without notification.

@access private